We carry out our direct and indirect therapies according to the needs and characteristics of the individual. In direct therapies, the individual and the therapist regularly conduct one-to-one sessions. In indirect therapies, the family and important others of the client like teachers, carers are advised and guided about how to use strategies, arrange child environment to increase communication skills.
We have therapists skilled in:
- DIR Floortime
- Responsive Teaching
- Millue Teaching
- Lidcombe program for stuttering
- Smooth Speech for stuttering
- Zones of Regulation
- Social Thinking
- Social Squad Group Video Intervention Program
- Cued Articulation
- Traditional Articulation Therapy
- The Project Impact; Teaching Social Communication to Children with Autism & Other Developmental Delays
- Phonological Therapies, such as minimal, maximal, multiple opposition therapy, cycles approach, metaphone approach, core word approach, speech intelligibility intervention
Low – Tech Alternative and Augmentative Communication Interventions such as
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
- Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD)
- Chat Books, Communication Books, Visuals, Personal Communication Dictionary, Key Word Signing etc.
High – Tech Alternative and Augmentative Communication Interventions such as
- Proloquo2Go