Better Interact Speech Pathology can provide assessments for your child to receive diagnosis (i.e. autism, ADHD), school funding and also to plan his therapies.
The type of assessments depends on your child’s age and communication needs. We provide formal speech, language, non-verbal communication, cognitive, sensory, developmental, diagnostic assessments for people aged across all ages.
Some of the assessments we qualify to use are;
- CELF Preschool-3 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals – Preschool; 3 – 6 years),
- CELF5 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals; 5 – 21 years),
- EVT3, Expressive Vocabulary Test (2;6 – 90 years and older),
- PPVT5, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (2;6 – 90 years and older),
- DEAP, Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation & Phonology (3 – 6;11 years),
- DP-3, The Developmental Profile (Birth to 12;11 years),
- CLQT, Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test (18-69 and 70-89 years),
- CARS2, Childhood Autism Rating Scale (2 – up to 57 years)
- The Triple C, Checklist of Communication Competencies for nonverbal individuals (12 years +),
- The Rosetti Infant – Toddler Language Scale (Birth – 3 years),
- Sensory Profile 2 (Birth – 14;11 years),
- MOCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment ,
- Test of Early Language Development Third Edition: Turkish (TELD3:T), (2 – 7;11 years),
- Ankara Artikulasyon Test (Turkish Standardised Articulation Assessment), (2 – 12 years),
- Afazi Dil Degerlendirme Testi (Turkish Standardised Language Assessment Test for Aphasia),
- Denver – II Developmental Screening Test in Turkish, (0 – 6 years),
- Gilliam Autism Rating Scale – Turkish,
In addition to formal assessments, we also complete informal evaluations of play and interaction, pre-linguistic language skills assessments, parent interviews etc.
The results of the assessments are summarised in a written report and discussed with you before setting therapy goals for your child.